

A journal of the French Statistical Society SFdS - ISSN 2824-7795

This journal aims at promoting computational/algorithmic contributions in statistics and machine learning that provide insight into which models or methods are more appropriate to address a specific scientific question. In order to achieve this goal, Computo goes beyond classical static publications by leveraging technical advances in literate programming and scientific reporting.

More details about our philosophy.


Jul 19, 2024 A new article was published, by Liudmila Pishchagina, Guillem Rigaill, Vincent Runge :Geometric-Based Pruning Rules for Change Point Detection in Multiple Independent Time Series
May 15, 2024 A new article was published, by Tanguy Lefort, Benjamin Charlier, Alexis Joly, Joseph Salmon: Peerannot: classification for crowdsourced image datasets with Python
Apr 4, 2024 A new article was published, by Maxime El Masri, Jérôme Morio, and Florian Simatos: Optimal Projection for Parametric Importance Sampling in High Dimensions
Feb 26, 2024 A new article was published, by Hamza Adrat and Laurent Decreusefond: Point Process Discrimination According to Repulsion.
Jan 9, 2024 Paper published by Armand Favrot and David Makowski, on MCMC estimation in a hierarchical model to evaluate pest treatments from prevalence and intensity data.