How to automatically publish the HTML of my contribution to a website?
Describe how to render your article, activate your gh-page and publish your contribution online
What is expected exactly in terms of reproducibility?
Discuss the different kinds of reproducibility at play in Computo, and what is expected from the authors.
My data analysis takes several hours/days/weeks... How to address the issue of reproducibility?
Discuss the reproducibility for long-running code
I have large or sensible data. How should I proceed?
Describe how to handle large or sensible data files when submitting to Computo
I use a different language than Python, R or Julia: would Computo accept my contributions?
Describe how to handle other languages than R, Julia or Python
How to automatically publish the HTML of my contribution to a website?
Describe how to render your article, activate your gh-page and publish your contribution online